Thursday, December 29, 2016

Saturday Adventures at New York Comic Con 2016

Saturday…As a veteran attendee of this event, I knew it was going to be bad. However, after seeing how Friday went, I questioned how smoothly Saturday would be. Well, some moments went well, others...were an eye opener.

Today, as every convention Saturday tends to be, it’s the day you see the most cosplay. I dressed up as Morgiana from Magi the Labyrinth of Magic. It was a very convenient outfit to wear, but…I still needed a bag and…A JACKET! It was cold! My cosplay doesn’t have sleeves, so I had to keep warm. At least this time when I arrived at the convention area, there wasn’t a line fiasco. I was able to walk into the convention and accomplished my first task.

How many of you are fans of Sleepy Hollow? Before the start of the convention, one of the first things I did was look up who is coming. I was so ecstatic when I saw Ichabod played by Tom Mison was going to be there! I think this was a rare convention appearance for him. So I had to make sure that I had my Blu-ray and money with me. I’m positive that I arrived after the start of his first session, so I didn’t think I had a chance for the session. Lord and behold, when I went to look at the Autograph Area, he was there and line was really short! Haha! Now’s my chance! He was a very nice man with a sweet sense of humor. Plus, when I asked him if I can take a picture of him signing he said “please do.” Lovely. My other and last autograph signing was towards the end of the day. I went to Dark Horse Comics to get my Aliens Defiance and Prometheus comics signed by the artist and writers. I was first in line and got some freebies!

For the rest of the time, I went browsing at the Dealers Room. I ended up getting more free stuff, especially the Chevrolet cape. Then for the rest of the time, I watched video game tournaments at Capcom and Tekken 7 booth. At the latter booth, they were randomly giving away freebies, like a t-shirt and lanyard. The way that worked was…um…not good with passionately greedy fans. Think of a home run, where the ball reaches the bleachers and the audience fights to CATCH the ball. Yeah, that’s what happened when a T-shirt was thrown into the audience. Two people caught a t-shirt and wouldn’t let go of it. Don’t ask me how it was resolved; I looked away. Luckily for me, someone gave me their unwanted Tekken 7 lanyard.

For my To-Do list, I accomplished everything. However, I realized that I didn’t take as many photos of cosplay as previous years. I was genuinely surprised at myself. It might be because I was focused on getting things done or the massive amount of people distracted me from even noticing cosplayers. The only cosplay that stood out for me was someone in a giant mecha type costume. The person had a crew managing the crowd surrounding the cosplay. This made me think about whether or not it’s worth cosplaying on a Saturday anymore, especially something that takes up space. I’ll figure it out as it gets closer to the next NYCC.

So that’s it, the day went pretty smooth. Other than the growing crowd I accomplished what I wanted to do. Stay tune for my Sunday adventures!

© 2016 Linda Thai
Photography by Linda Thai
For more pictures, check out the Something Deeper: Anime, Manga and Comics Page on Facebook

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