Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Exhibitors of NYCC/NYAF

Located at booth 1643 is the Bluefin Distribution company. On display were many awesome looking Gundams. Pictured here are the adorable and cute Gundam SDs! One can fit easily in the palm of your hand. To learn more about model kits, check out Ninja101’s article, Nothing Beats the Smell of Gunpla in the Morning.

The Robert Tonner Doll booth has returned! Located in 1635, one of the company’s newest dolls was on display: 13" Artemis of Bana Mighdall - NYCC Exclusive. Many dolls were on display, including Miss Piggy! Check out my interview with Robert Tonner.

All you Aliens fan, what does this look like to you?

Out of all the exhibitors to make an extremely strong presence at this convention, Intel physically looked like it took over 25% of the front space in the show floor room closest to 34th Street. Booth 726 was extremely huge! The people at the booth were giving out blue buttons that were potentially prize related. Check out the press release about the company’s participation.

In the other show floor room, Ubisoft Entertainment was making a musical presence, by having attendees; including the Predator, no joke, dance on stage to a Michael Jackson game for the Nintendo Wii.

If I am not mistaken these items were located at booth 3113, which housed UCC Distributing Inc. At the time, I was told that these Super Mario character related capsules were not available to retailers yet. However, I did see it at a local comic book store. So, go search for Mario!

Out of all the booths, this is the most interesting one that I encountered. Booth 2953, Comic Cubes, for some reason it looked like a house to me. However, the products that were on display were storage units for your comic books. What I like most about it is that it looks like regular furniture and would blend nicely into a home. Comic books would be the last thing on my mind in any of these. ;-)

I was walking around the area and I spotted a funny looking thing: a penguin that looked like Japanese food. Located at booth 2962, the company Stuffed Sushi was displaying a variety of pillows that looked like sushi and rice rolls. :D Pictured here are Alicia Manoski and one of her helpers.

Even though it was the day of the convention, work is still work. Ichigo Black’s mom at booth 2964 is still working on their lovely products! The work never ends!

Whiling roaming around some more, I spotted a Buddhist god statue in booth 2781. The thing is, it did not look like the religious statues in the temple, but it still looked like a Buddhist god. When I looked around at the other artworks, a lot of them have some form of Asian influence, but with unique characteristics identifiable to the artist, Erick Scarerow who is pictured here.

Now this booth was interesting because of the words on a poster, Comic Book Certification. I got curious, because 1) I never heard of it and 2) is this an appraisal company for comics? I do not believe it is the same appraisal process in the archives world, however, according to the site, it provides “comic book grading service.” If you are curious too, check out the website!

At booth 434 was the American Library Association, and it is the umbrella organization for the library world. When I told the man at the booth about my educational background, he became mad hyped! A woman at the booth ended up giving me a ribbon to stick onto my badge, and it says “Library Super Hero.”

Pictured here is the hand of Eric Maruscak from, who was coloring the Yu-Gi-Oh mural for all three days. This is what happens when you are doing a chalk art on the convention floor for more than seven hours a day.
© 2011 Linda Thai

Photography by Linda Thai

For more pictures, check out the Something Deeper: Anime, Manga and Comics Page on Facebook

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