Monday, September 2, 2013

Need More Support for Original Cosplay Fashion Show!

This is the first time that Anime Boston was hosting such an event, which I was really excited about! I was like “yeah! I get to see some creativity!” This provided cosplayers the opportunity to portray non-canonical characters, such as series mashups and gender bending, and completely original characters.

The format was fairly simple and direct. The cosplayer(s) were called on to the stage, strike a pose, some acted in character while answering questions presented by the Master of Ceremony (some were funny, while others were just plain dull), and then they walk off the stage back to their seats. Here are some of the pictures of the cosplayers:

Here is the awesome Master of Ceremony, Seto Kaiba! He was funny, btw.

Swagdoka, yes, that is what they called themselves.

Earl of Lemongrab from The Candy Kingdom and Female Victorian of Prussia from Axis Hetalia

Pokemon! The horned pokemon, she was pretty funny. The reactions from the MC were priceless. In regards to Vaporeon she designed the skirt in the back with a water fall in mind. Very clever.

Victorian Catwoman and 70's version of Grell Sutcliff

Female Big Boss from Metal Gear and a fan fiction character from Kingdom Hearts

Castile from Supernatural, one of the 4 seasons, Princess Celestia from My Little Pony and The Tooth Fairy from The Guardians! Love the Tooth Fairy costume by the way. :3

The event was held in room 302/304, which was a huge space, probably with the anticipation of a large crowd. Unfortunately, it was not packed out (T_T). Even though it made it easier for me to sit close to the front, I was disappointed in the lack of support from the attendees. I hope the less than “sold out seats” doesn’t deter Anime Boston from having this show again. If you enjoy seeing costumes and/or creativity, this is something worth checking out!

© 2013 Linda Thai

Photography by Linda Thai

For more pictures, check out the Something Deeper: Anime, Manga and Comics Page on Facebook

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