Monday, June 6, 2011

Media Report: Anime Boston 2011 - Day 1 - April 22

Out of all things to line up for in the morning...the Dealers Room. I knew the room was not going to disappear, so I did not even bother standing on the line.

The crowd exiting the auditorium after the Opening Ceremonies.

The two hours Sailor Moon panel was held in room 206. Pictured here are the panelists, who are showing the trailer to Sailor Moon The Movie, an American live action adaptation feature film. Wasn't there something similar to an American adaption of the series?? Hmmm. Yeah, some of us probably heard of the Toon Makers, Inc. proposed half live action and half cartoon version.

In Panel 107, The Business of Art and Comics panel was ran by Dirk Tiede from 1pm to 2pm. It was an informative presentation, because it provided a reality check through the usage of personal real life experiences as an artist in the industry.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what concert was going to be held in the auditorium. I just popped in around 6pm to take a picture of the set up. (^_^);

The Anime Unscripted event was held in Hall D on the second level from 8pm to 9pm. For me, this was the best way to end the night. I had great laughs and definitely enjoyed it. I just wished I recorded it.
© 2011 Linda Thai

Photography by Linda Thai

For more pictures, check out the Something Deeper: Anime, Manga and Comics Page on Facebook


thezombiealchemist23 said...

I was browsing the internet and ended up on your page..XD I was at Anime Boston this year. I go every year. I went to that Sailor Moon panel too.

thezombiealchemist23 said...

I was at anime boston this year! I go every year, I was also at the Sailor Moon panel too.

Lyntha Tye said...

Thanks for checking out the article! Hope you had fun at the con!