Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gundam Unicorn Episode 2: The Red Comet

By Chet Royer

Gundam Unicorn episode 2: The Red Comet, what else is there to say!? Well, since this is suppose to be a review, I must say something. The second installment in the 6 part OVA (original video animation) known as Mobile Suit Gundam UniCorn, brings fans deeper into the storyline with more action, new characters and story development.

In Gundam Unicorn episode 1, you were not really given much. You were told just a little bit of information and given very little mobile suit action. Heck, one of the action sequences was just a short scuffle between humans. This was enough to keep some people interested in Gundam Unicorn (including me), but episode 2 blows episode 1 out of the water. The amount of action is practically doubled. The OVA starts out with Unicorn Gundam changing into the Destroy Mode and having a heated battle with Kshatriya. Then the episode slows down a bit, but not for long. The introduction of the Red Comet, a red mobile suit called Sinanju, increases the intensity of the action, because this mobile suit actually puts up an excellent fight against the Unicorn Gundam. So, viewers are not really forced to watch one sided gundam battles, like in many other series.

Not only are we getting action, we are getting story and character development. The story seems to be forming very well. The interactions between characters get more intense and the drama becomes stronger. Also, I want to add that this series truly does reward those viewers, who do their gundam homework, but it is still enjoyable if you don't know much about gundam. We are also given a great mystery. The pilot of the Sinanju is known as the second coming of Char. The character refers to himself as Full Frontal. The odd thing about Full Frontal is that he looks and sound very much like Char himself, who was the very first antagonist in the Mobile Suit Gundam Universal Century story. He even has the scar on his face just like the original Char. But the viewer will still be guessing, “is this really Char?”

I don't want to spoil the story too much so I will just go on with another topic. The artwork and animation is still a sight to behold. The action scenes, the details put into the mechanics of the mobile suits and the choreography of the battles are just amazing. There is a scene where you are actually witnessing the Unicorn Gundam's beam rifle (I think it is actually called the beam magnum) firing, the ammunition shift within the rifle, and it being reloaded. That kind of attention to detail just amazes me. Also, there is the introduction to new mobile suits. So far, we have seen: the Kshatriya, Unicorn Gundam, Rezel (Re-fine Zeta-gundam Escort Leader) and tanks (D-50C LOTO) in episode 1. In episode 2, you get to see the Sinanju, Hyakushiki (another mobile suit from zeta gundam), the commander type Rezel and two different Zaku type mobile suits (Geara Zulu and Angelo's Geara Zulu). This OVA is packed with powerful mobile suits!

Well, I think that is all I am willing to tell for now! Episode 2 gives the fans what they wanted from episode 1 and more. Action, drama and mobile suits! Pick up Gundam Unicorn 2 The Red Comet on Blu Ray NOW!!
© 2011 Linda Thai

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